“We are here to restore that peaceful feeling of home for you, and your baby.”
Chosen family, friends, and neighbors have been showing up for each other as long as humans have been bringing babies into this world. Historically, new parents have been surrounded by helping hands, nourishing meals, and postpartum support from their community.
But let’s face it; we live in a fast-paced world and we’re busier than ever. We can’t always rely on our friends, family, partner (or even ourselves!) to show up for us in the unbiased and objective way that we need them to, nor should they have to.
Consider adding The Very Best Doulas to your postpartum recovery team!
There are so many things that you can do and buy to prepare for your baby’s arrival but the truth is, no matter how much you prepare, babies are known to bring with them some level of chaos.
Your baby wakes in the middle of the night. “Not again” you think, as your bleary eyes open and adjust to the darkness. In that moment… You realize that you can go back to sleep and rest peacefully because your baby is in the arms of The Very Best Doula! Ah, bliss...
Your healing body is hunched over trying to figure out how to get your baby to latch. You’re sore, tired, and not completely confident in your breastfeeding abilities yet. You look over, and The Very Best Doula is right beside you with affirming words for what your feeling, and ideas for overcoming what’s challenging you.
The nursery is set, you've bought everything you need. But what about those things you can’t prepare for? Sleep deprivation, raging hormones, physical healing, adjusting to your new life in the blink of an eye? It’s not all on you to deal with. The Very Best Doulas are there for you!
You’re emotional, hormonal, exhausted. We are here to tell you that every single one of your feelings and emotions are valid and normal. Your Very Best Doula is by your side listening to you, hearing you, seeing you, affirming you, and above all, nurturing the parent you’ve become!

You deserve this kind of experience. Let’s face it, this is a huge life transition.
Think about it…How can you have it all when you are expected to do it all? The more you give at home, the more your career and outside relationships feel strained. The more you focus on your life outside the home, the guiltier you feel for being present in the moment. New parents often feel like they sacrifice their own well-being to care for their babies. Sometimes they get burnt out.. or feel angry, even resentful.
Let part of your solution be The Very Best Doulas!
We’re here to get you on track and keep you there so that your mind and body can heal, and you can conquer what lies ahead.
We’re here to prevent you from leaving your former self behind, as you slip into the world of diapers, sleepless nights, and spit-up.
Whether you are seeking days, nights, or a combination of both, we’re here to curate a personalized postpartum support package for you. Our daytime postpartum doula support is available to you with a 6-hour minimum, and overnight postpartum doula support, with an 8-hour minimum. If you prefer round-the-clock support, we will build an all-inclusive package that meets your needs.

“Sarah worked with us as a postpartum doula over the course of 4 weeks. I absolutely cannot recommend her more highly.
Our son was born while Covid restrictions were in place, and he delivered almost 2 months prematurely as an emergency at our home (not our plan for sure!). I had a brief stay in the hospital and our son was in the NICU for slightly less than a month. I was still recovering when he finally came home and, because he had arrived so early, we didn’t have the chance to take a New Parenting Course, and nothing was ready for a newborn. Looking back, I realize that both my husband and I were in a state of shock. Personally, I was frightened and very unsure of how to care for my baby.
Sarah was, literally, a lifesaver. She is extremely professional and knowledgeable about infants and postpartum care. She is well organized and a very hard worker (she never rested) and just as important, Sarah is warm, calm, and has a lovely sense of humor. When she arrived, she quickly sized up the somewhat chaotic situation and got to work. With no judgment and great kindness, she showed me how to care for the baby including changing, burping, swaddling, feeding, and bathing. When I was feeding the baby, Sarah washed bottles, folded laundry, etc.— all the practical chores of baby care.
She did everything we asked (and so much more!) and supported us as we learned and developed confidence. She offered numerous helpful tips and answered multiple questions. When she didn’t have a suggestion or answer, she returned the next day having researched the topic.
We have a small house, and my husband works from home, but Sarah was never obtrusive. On the contrary, she was a pleasure to have in our home.
Sarah’s help made an enormous difference to me. She was my Guidebook to Motherhood, and she allowed me to trust myself so that I could fully embrace my wonderful little son. I will be forever grateful to her and, again, recommend her most highly.”