Labor Doula Support
Birth is undoubtedly a transformative experience.
It can be messy, emotional, complicated, raw, blissful, overwhelming, and of course…
With a Very Best Doula by your side, you will feel a sense of deep trust, empowerment, and comfort as you experience the best possible birth for you and your baby.
Driven by our years of experience and expertise, we guide you to channel your pain into purpose and keep your focus on the light at the end of the tunnel (literally).
There’s a reason it’s called labor – it’s hard work! Of course, some level of discomfort is inevitable, but instead of feeling anxious or scared, we give you the tools to embrace the physical sensations, and use them as energy to fuel you throughout the process.
Whether natural or medicated birth, VBAC or cesarean, adoption or surrogacy, home or hospital, we are judgement-free and there for you with our impassioned real-time support. The way we see it, you’re driving and we’re in the passenger seat. We have the map, the snacks, the bottle of water, and the playlist needed for the drive. In other words, we are your trusty co-pilot; and if you ever need a break we’ve got you covered. We participate in a manner that is calm, intentional and backed by years of evidence-based knowledge and experience.

The Very Best Doulas provides a fail-proof plan for support.
You will receive:
An on-call team of two certified, professional doulas who are committed to your labor and birth.
The peace of mind that you will always have a member of your team available for you when your moment arrives.
Two home visits [or live virtual visits] with your on-call doula team to discuss your birth options prenatally and express your wishes for your birth, and then again postpartum to review your experience and set you up for success.
Support via phone and email throughout the remainder of your pregnancy, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Proven strategies that you can implement to guide you through every step, physical sensation, and emotion that accompany giving birth.
An expert sounding board that is there to support you as you make the educated decisions that are best for you.
Real time, hands-on physical support that includes:
Massage techniques for relaxation
Counter-pressure to reduce discomfort
Breathing techniques for focus, and stress relief
Various positional changes to assist with labor progression

“For our second baby, we knew we wanted to take a different birth path then what we experienced with our son. Sarah was the angel I’d been looking for. Our conversations were natural, and the passion she possesses for birth was undeniable. She had a calming softness to her which was exactly what I needed. Since this was our first time working with a doula, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Sarah was very clear/precise with helping us envision her support/care.
Sarah was so organized/intentional with her care. She spent time teaching us various techniques that would be helpful while I labored. She was focused on ensuring we knew how to help me in early labor.
Sloane's due date became her birthday, and Sarah was exceptional the entire time. Laboring at home briefly, David and I were able to use some of the techniques Sarah had shown us, to help keep me comfortable.
From the moment Sarah arrived, she was a breath of light. She guided David on how best to support me with hand placements, pressure points, wet cloths, breathing patterns, etc. She gave me strength to know that my body was so capable of bringing this little life into our world.
Our labor was quick and so was her birth. After her birth, we were all enamored and felt so loved by Sarah. To my surprise, Sarah gave me the most incredible gift. Somehow this superhero of a woman was able to capture our birth moments with video’s and pictures. Having the gift to look back at these moments where we became a family of 4, leaves me speechless. Both my husband and I look back at Sloane’s birth story with only beautiful memories. Sarah truly set the tone of our birth expectations and our actual reality exceeded even that. If god and our family decide we’re ever growing to a family of 5, I know Sarah will be my first call. I’m forever grateful we get to call this beautiful woman, a dear friend.”
- Hilary O.
How you feel before, during, and after your birth matters. Why? Because you matter.
Your thoughts, your wishes, your mental and physical health all matter.
It goes without saying that the baby is most often the focus of the attention, but you are just as important. Self-sacrifice is not a badge of honor, and you do not have to be a martyr. If anything, it is completely selfless to put yourself first so that you can give it your all.
These precious moments will stay with you for a lifetime. Let’s make sure that you look back on them with feelings of empowerment, joy and accomplishment!