
We’re going to let you in on a little secret. Ready? 

No one knows what they are doing before they bring a baby into this world! 

It is truly one of those experiences that you cannot understand fully until you’ve experienced it yourself. The next best thing to first-hand experience is comprehensive education, and we’re here to provide that! 

You’ve read the books, the articles, the blogs, watched the videos, and consulted with other parents. What now? 

We invite you to pick our brains! And don’t worry if the questions aren't coming to mind; we have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding expecting parents. We will deliver straightforward, evidence-based information in a way that will empower you to take on the beautiful challenge that lies ahead. 

Our educational courses will enable you to gather the tools, and resources you need to feel empowered, and confident during the remainder of your pregnancy, your labor, and your birth.

Private 1:1

Plus partner or support person
3-Hour Session

Designed just for you and your specific care needs & family dynamics. Like your own choices for birth planning and postpartum care, you are the most important person in your informed decision making and educational support needs - we meet you where your needs are.

Areas of discussion and education include: 

  • Building your support team 

  • Birth philosophy and birthing preferences, starting a birth plan 

  • Informed decision-making, and laboring coping skills

  • Early pregnancy & 2nd, 3rd time round

  • Anatomy of pregnancy & birth

  • Labor preparation and the stages of labor

  • Comfort measures, breathing practice, and laboring positions

  • Alternative and medical options for pain management

  • What a hospital/ birthing center/ home experience involves. What to expect:

    • Vaginal birth

    • VBAC preparedness 

    • What happens in a Cesarean birth

  • Postpartum recovery, transitions to parenthood, bonding with baby 

  • Feeding your newborn

All classes are offered in your private home or a live virtual option if preferred. Please fill in personal info on our Contact Form with any interests and we will connect with you to schedule your personalized private class. 

Small Group Class

8-Hour Session

During this intensive childbirth education class you will learn:

  • Relaxing positions and breathing techniques

  • The physiological process of birth

  • How to shift your pain into purpose, and your frustration into fuel

  • Communication tools for advocating your wishes

  • Parenting philosophies, and discovering yours

  • Sleep methods for you, and your baby

  • Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, and milk storage

  • Caring for yourself, and your baby during your postpartum recovery period

Newborn & Infant Feeding Classes

Small group classes for the birthing person, other parents, or their support person

Building confidence in how you nourish your baby and having the tools, tips, and tricks to empower you on a strong foundational newborn feeding journey.

  • How would you like to feed your baby?

    • Breastfeeding/ Chestfeeding/ Bottle Feeding/ Combination Feeding Options/Tandem Feeding/ Alternative Infant Feeding Methods

    • What would you like to try?

    • What is feeling right, right now? 

  • Preparation for infant feeding in the home including body feeding choices, and partner/ support person help and bonding with feeding.

  • Education on Infant Feeding 

  • Parenting philosophies, relationship to feeding, prenatal beliefs & postpartum realities 

  • Anatomy and physiology of lactation 

  • Human milk composition & production

  • Let-down reflex

  • The value of skin-to-skin contact as much as possible 

  • Baby-led latch & guidelines for proper latch

  • Comfort measure and positioning support for feeding person 

  • Benefits, importance, and how-to of hand expression 

  • Newborn feeding patterns & frequency of feeding

  • Nipple care

  • Infant hunger cues, and getting to know your baby’s behaviors

  • Preparation, safe storage, and transportation of prepared milk 

  • Collection & storage safety of human milk

  • Common concerns, support, planning, and FAQ’s

Classes are scheduled at local private venues in Whatcom, Skagit, and Snohomish County.

Coming Spring of 2023

The difference between a great childbirth experience and the best childbirth experience is knowledge

So much is happening during labor and birth; it can be overwhelming and scary without the right information and tools. Your birth experience makes sense when you have a comprehensive understanding of what your body, and your baby are doing. 

It’s one thing to hear pregnancy jargon, it’s another, to understand it! 

Let The Very Best Doulas help you prepare for Your Very Best Birth!